Friday, May 6, 2011


In the name of God the Almighty,
We the people of Yoruba descent living in the Gambia being aware of the need to have a common forum to discuss issues affecting our race at home and abroad, knowing fully N well that our race Yoruba nationhood were founded on truth- fairness and justice. Being aware that we have been subjected to colonialism and slavery.
Being aware of the level of intellectual, technocratic_ and industrial potentials of the Yoruba Nation.
Being aware of the struggles of our forefathers for the liberation of our people. Now Form this association and make for ourselves the following constitution
YORUBA COMMUNITY is a charitable organization with no political or religious
affiliations. Our address shall be
28 Sayerr Jobe Avenue
P.O.Box 410, Banjul
and e-mail:

The name of the organization shall be known and called YORUBA Community in The Gambia

Aims and objectives
1. To fulfill some social, cultural and economic objectives among the Yorubas in Nigeria and in Diaspora.
2. To foster Unite among the Yorubas in the Granby in Nigeria and wherever they may  be in the world.
3.    To contribute in various ways towards the educational advancement of the youths in the Gambia and to provide education in Yoruba Language our generation and in coming generation.
4.    To act as a forum for the meeting of minds among the Yorubas.
5. To encourage self-discipline and integrity which is a unique characteristic of the  Yorubas.
6. To promote and preserve the cultural and traditional heritage of the Yorubas worldwide.
7. To liaise and co-operate with other Pan - Yoruba groups, clubs and movements all over the world in accordance with Yoruba norms.
8. To promote and advance the welfare of the Yorubas in the Gambia.
9. To protect the interest of tile Yorubas in Nigeria and the Gambia.
10.To work towards the unification of our people irrespective of their political beliefs, associations or political parties at home.
11.To foster unification among all Yoruba ethnic groups in The Gambia particularly.

l . Membership shall he open to every Yoruba man or woman with genuine il7terest in the above aims and objectives.
2. Yoruba man or woman in the context of subsection (1) above shall be persons whose mother or father or grandparents is (are) of full Yoruba blood and in the case of Non-Nigerians, they shall be persons who have traced their lineage to any of the ethnic groups or towns in Yoruba lands in Nigeria or by marriage.
3b) MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the community shall consist of executive, elders' council and the general house.
The Executive Council shall be the administrative body of the community. There shall be fourteen members Executive Committee elected at a general election and one representative - of Yoruba TAC to co-ordinate the day to day affairs of the community.
This council shall comprise of the following officers and members:  
                              The President
The Vice - President The Secretary General Tile Ass. Secretary General The Treasurer
Asst. Treasurer Financial Secretary Asst. Financial Secretary Public Relations Officer Asst. Public Relations Officer Welfare Officer
Asst. Welfare Officer Provost
Internal Auditor
One Representative of Yoruba TAC
a. The EC shall organize and moderate all meetings of the General Meeting. b. EC ma,, constitute such sob-committees and appoint their members as and when necessary for the good of the organization and for the smooth running of the community programmes.
c. The council shall act as information channel between the council of Elders and the General House being accountable to the General House.
d. The President shall preside at all meetings of the EC; general meetings and extra ordinary meeting of both EC and Elders' Council.
e. The President / Secretary shall present their annual reports at the annual congress.
f.   Any member of the EC shall cease to hold office in any of the following circumstances.
i.       Completion of term of office
ii. Death
iii.       Resignation from office upon giving one month's notice to the community through Secretary General or the Ass. Secretary General.
iv. 1nfirmity.
g. Any member of the governing body / Elders' Council may be impeached if he or she
i.    Is indicted by the state on is found guilty by disciplinary committee of the community for an offence involving fraud, misappropriation of funds.
ii. Commits any act which in the opinion of the disciplinary committee constitutes gross mis-conduct or is accused of similar offences or crimes.
iii. Commits some acts or is guilty of behavior inconsistent with the membership of the community or failed to perform the duties of his or her office.
There shall be a council of Elders.
a) This council shall comprise of members who have attained the age of 45 years and above.
b) Members of the council shall be nominated by general members in the community.
c) Nominations shall be submitted to the Executive Council for screening.
d) The council shall have a spokesman at any time they may want to convey a message to the community or represent the council at a forum.
e) The council shall be headed by a member who shall be referred to as "LEADER'-.
f) No member shall serve more than two terms of two years each.
g) The maximum number of this council shall be SEVEN (7) at all times.
This council shall perform the following duties:
a) It shall serve as an Advisory Body to the community and the Executive. b) It shall be a court of appeal for any grievance(s) between members
c) The Leader- shall preside over the Elders' council's meetings only.
THE PRESIDENT: The President shall or may be required to take on Oath of Office before assuming duties or as may be directed by the Executive
body. On assumption of Office the President shall be charged with the responsibilities of' the running and administration of the community and shall preside over its scheduled meetings in the absence of the President or any other duties as may be decided by the executive committee of the community. The President shall be fully responsible.
THE VICE - PRESIDENT.- The Vice - President shall assist the President in the smooth running of the administration of the community and shall preside over its meetings in the absence of the President or any other duties as may be decided by tile Executive Committee.
THE SECRETARY GENERAL: The Secretary General shall have the following duties:
a) To conduct its correspondences and sign relevant documents on behalf of the community.
b) To summon meetings and prepared its agenda in consultation with the President and members of the EC,
c) To record the proceedings of such meetings and read out minutes of such last proceedings of past meetings.
d) To prepare an annual report of the community over all its activities. ej To keep secretarial records of the community.
f) To carryout Such other duties as may be required by the executive committees. In the absence of the President and the Vice President, the Secretary General shall act for the President.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL: To assist the General Secretary in his functions taking notes at the proceedings of a meeting. To keep up records or attendance registers both for the general and executive meetings. To act in this post when ever the secretary general is not present at any of this meetings and to perform any other duties as may be directed by the executive members.
THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY The Financial Secretary shall keep all financial records, keep account books; and prepare statement of account as may be require either for the executive or general meeting. He be shall be in possession of cash and receipt books and shall work very closely with the Treasurer.
THE ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SECRETARY: The Assistant Financial Secretary shall assist the Financial Secretary in his duties to the community or any other duties as maybe decided by the executive committee.
THE TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive all monies on behalf of the community of which proper records shall be kept. He shall make disbursement in accordance with the directive of the executive committee. All monies collected and handed over to him shall paid into the community's account within 24 hours. The Treasurer shall produce a cash balance when ever he / she is required to do so by executive committee.
THE ASSISTANT TREASURER: The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his / her duties to the community or any other duty as may be directed by the executive committee.
THE PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER: The PRO shall be responsible for notification or announcements of meeting date whether that of the executive or general meetings.
THE ASSISTANT PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER: The assistant PRO shall assist the PRO in his - her duties to the community or any other duties as may be decided by the executive committee.
WELFARE OFFICER: The Welfare Officer shall be responsible the welfare of every member of the community and he / she is require to notify the executive committee time to time on welfare of any member of the community.
ASSISTANT WELFARE OFFICER: To assist the Welfare Officer in its functions or duties / assignment and to act in this post when ever he / she (WO), is not present.
INTERNAL AUDITOR: The Auditor shall be responsible for the auditing of the community-s account with reference to income and expenditure of the community at least twice a Year.
ME PROVOST: The Provost is to keep law and order at meetings and any community’s ceremony and functions.
THE REPRESENTATIVE OF YORUBA TAC: There shall be one  representative of Yoruba TAC among the executive committee as an observer.
a. Members of the EC shall be elected for a term of two years and not more than one subsequent term of another two years.
b. The election of such members shall be held every two years except an election to fill any vacant position which shall be organized by an electoral committee twenty-one (21) days after such a position has become vacant.
A member shall be qualified to be elected to the EC if
a) He or she is not less than 25 years of age
b) He or she has paid his / her subscription to date.
c) He or she has the ability to read and write.

d) He or she is a registered member of both Nigeria Community and the Nigerian High Commission in the Gambia.
1) There shall be an appointed three (3) member electoral committee by the EC and to be headed by a Chairman.
?1 The electoral committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the elections­
3) The electoral committee shall screen and determine the eligibility of the candidates.
4) Each candidate shall be nominated by at least two (2) financially committed and such nominations shall be submitted to the electoral committee not later Own two weeks before the day of the election.
5) Election  to   any  office, the   candidate with   simple majority  shall  be declared the winner.

1) There shall be an established disciplinary committee of five persons to be appointed by the EC.
2 ) The disciplinary committee shall meet at any time and not less than three days after a matter is refereed to it by the Secretary General.
3) The committee shall have the power to:
a. Investigate any allegation against any members of the community or the Executive committee or Elders Council.
    b. Act as arbitrator in any dispute between two or more members.
    c. Make recommendations in such arbitration.
    d. Report its findings in any investigation to the EC.
4 ) Any person aggrieved with the decision or award of the Disciplinary committee may appeal to the elders' council within seven days.
5) The elders' council shall hear the appeal in the spirit of fairness equity and justice and shall have the power to approve or vary or rescind the decision or recommendations of the disciplinary committee.
6) The decision of the elders' council shall be final after ratification by the executive council, and members Undertake to be bound by such decision.
I . There shall be a general meeting of the community every first and third Sundays of every month.
2. There shall also be an annual General meeting, once a year.
3.  Without prejudice to the above the Secretary - General on the instruction of the Executive Committee may summon an extra ordinary general meeting. Provided that notice of such meeting is given not less than 24 hours to the date of the meeting.
4.  Voting on any matter at meeting, shall be by show of hands. This is without prejudice to the mode of voting at elections organized by the electora1 Committee.
5.   Determination of matters shall be by simple majority of members present and voting except as otherwise provided herein.


1) Quorum at the general meetings shall be minimum of ten members out of which three or four shall be executive members.
2)  Quorum at any meeting of the EC or any of its committees shall be 2/3 of its members.
1. The funds of the community shall be raised by members through payment of monthly dues to be fixed and approved by the EC.
2. The community may also raise funds by soliciting for same through pledges from members, sympathizers, government. parastatals, NGOs public. patrons and private corporations and any other bodies national or international.
3. The EC may organize programmes aimed at generating funds for the community.
4. The community shall open an account in any bank approved by the General House into which all funds of the community shall be deposited. The President and Financial Secretary or one member of the Elders' Council shall be co-signatories to the said account.
Amount not more than one thousand Dalasis (D1,000.00) shall be held in cash by the Treasurer as impress.
6. The community may establish a trust fund for the purpose of can-yin2 out its objectives.
1) There shall be an established a co-operative fund or society and all contributors to the fund shall jointly be called Yoruba Community credit Union. lts fund shall be hut in a separate bank- account
2)  The community may make pi-()vision for the welfare of any jobless member (s) or in the case of am Yoruba man or woman who is new in the country and probably stranded.
;s) Any quarrel or dispute between two or more members shall be reported to the secretary general who shall submit same within three days to the disciplinary committee.
41 There shall be a welfare committee which shall consist of it members to be headed by the welfare officer.
All financial and active member (s) of the community are entitled to the following benefits:
a) Financial or material support during functions such as marriage, naming, sickness or funeral ceremonies.
b) Membership of Yoruba Community Credit Union.
c) The community shall stand by any active member in time of trouble provided that he or she is
a) Financially committed
b) Its is not out of his /her own making.
1. The EC shall appoint auditors to audit the account of the community and submit a report at the Annual General Meeting.
?. Such report must have been circulated by the EC within the last seven days to the Annual General Meeting.
3. Auditor shall be a member of the EC. 4. There shall be an external auditor.
a) The Constitution shall be subject to amendments or ratification should any clause, or clauses found obsolete. or ineffective such clause or clauses may declared null and void after verification by a simple majority vote, and alternative provisions may be inserted in replacement.
b)  The rules and regulations of the Community also be amended by a Simple majority at the annual meeting, upon the recommendation of the executive Committee.
Any member who ever fails to attend any Summoned meetings of the Community on time, or may absent himself or herself without any reasonable justify cause, or in the case of absence fails to send message to this effect; shall be guilty of an offence liable to a fine. Lateness: D10.00, Absence: D25.00 or as may be finally decided.

a) Every member shall conduct himself / herself in a manner of dignity and mutual respect which shall not _jeopardize the good proceedings or dispensation of the collective efforts of members when the Community is 1.11 session.
b} FIGH T INC: any act or actions prejudicial to the smooth running of any meetings by unnecessary talking, disturbance, or any action that shall cause distractions shall constitute and offence punishable by fine of D100.00 minimum and D200.00 maximum or in the case of two or more fighting members when meeting is in session. The President or Vice President shall have the power to suspend parties involved from attending future meetings until the executive committee advice the President on such matter.
c)  In cases of very serious offences. the President shall have power to expel any member upon the advice of the executive committee, provided the member or members have been suspended three times in the year.

On the advice of the executive. the President may set - up a special committee to enquire into or carry out a special assignment as may be specified by the community.

The Executive shall not be personally liable (otherwise than as members) for any loss suffered by the community as a result of the discharge of their duties on its behalf, except such loss arises from their willful default, an6 they shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the community  for all expenses incurred by them in the discharge of their respective duties.

Mr. Olatunde M. Disu Mr. M.K.B Abolade Mr. Hamza,A. Odumttviwa Barrister Smnbo Akinbo
Spokesman for the Committee Secretary to the Committee
The Chairman to the Committee Legal Adviser to the Community

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